Dear Residents,

We'd like to introduce the Atma'im b'gil (joyfully independent) program, which has benefitted seniors in Efrat and Gush Etzion for the past 4 years.

The program, run by and with the support of the regional Gush Etion council and the local Efrat council, is aimed at anhancing the personal health and safety of residents sixty and over, through:

Emergency Medical Services – twenty-four hours a day by phone or call-button..

Av Kehilla Services - Community Aid offering personal communications, light home repairs, assistance with legal rights and dealing with authorities.

Social and Cultural Activities – through  Matnassim of Gush Etzion and Efrat.

We look forward to your joining the עצמאים בגיל community and enjoying its excellent services. 


Please note: All holocaust survivors are now entitled to reduced membership fees of 25 shekel per month. 


New members receive either first month free or two free entries to the Gush Swimming Pool. 

To  join please call Moshe weltman at 050-2208809


'עצמאים בגיל'


Department of Social Services         Department of Social Services

Efrat local council                             Gush Etzion regional council